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Did you know 70 % of the departments in the country are volunteer? 

We are always needing those to step up to the challenge to make a difference.  

        No previous experience or training is required to become a volunteer. All training is provided by the department upon completion of probation.  Each Month we will host monthly training sessions. In addition, Judson Fire Department will provide costs of Fire Academy and EMT certification training through available grant funding. 

If you would like to become a volunteer with Judson Fire, download an application below 


Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be of good physical and mental health. 

The following steps must be completed to meet the requirements before membership can be accepted:

  1. Complete application with reference contact numbers.

  2. Chief reviewal 

  3. Meeting with Membership Committee 

  4. Criminal background check (no felony convictions or pending felony indictment)

  5. Drug and Alcohol Screen

  6. Field Training Program 

  7. Complete the 4 required FEMA / NIMS ICS-100, ICS-200, IS-700, IS-800 online courses.  Certificates of completion must be provided. (During Probation) 

  8. Complete the Courage to Be Safe online course. Certificate of completion must be provided. (During Probation) 

  9. Complete the National Traffic Incident Management Responder online course. Certificate of completion must be provided. (During Probation) 

  10. Meet with the Membership Committee for final review. If accepted as a firefighter trainee,  it will be recommended to obtain TCFP certification if allowable.  If your position is something other than a firefighter, you may be required to complete training specific to your position.

If you're interested in joining,  print out and complete an application.  Please drop it off at the station for Review

Feel free to stop by Station 1 to find out more or contact:

Chris Jackson, Fire Chief
903-663-2947 (office)


Office: 903-663-2947



DIAL 911

Chris Jackson, Fire Chief

Office: 903-663-2947 Email:

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Judson Fire Department


Station 1: 770 Henderson Lane

Longview, Texas 75605

Station 2: 436 Skinner Lane

Longview, Texas 75605

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 429 

Judson, TX 75660

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